We understand that getting your items quickly is important to you, so we make every effort on tracking seller's delivery process of your orders as soon as we can. At Cakesgram, we are not involved in any physical shipping/delivery issues & charges between Buyers & the Sellers.
Sellers are responsible for all shipping matters regardless the shipping is done by the seller in the country, or by the Suppliers/Agents from abroad.
Sellers shall estimate the shipping charges for any items, based on weight & location of the delivery. Please note that they will deliver to addresses within Malaysia at the moment, and do not ship internationally.
From time to time, Sellers may run Free Shipping delivery promotion. Please sign up for Email Alerts & Updates at the bottom of our page to receive the latest news and updates on promotions.
Delivery Coverage Areas
Please go through the shop policy of every seller you purchase from in order to avoid any expectation gap.
Delivery coverage areas are clearly stated in first page of every seller's E-shop.
The Sellers will usually deliver within the designated areas only and do not deliver out of their stated coverage area. However, Buyers may contact the Sellers directly to make arrangement for ad-hoc delivery which is out of the usual coverage area, in a normal situation, will attract higher delivery charge., Buyers should note that it is at the discretion of the Sellers whether to honour the special request, despite higher charges are offered by the Buyers on the delivery.
Timing of Delivery
Sellers and Buyers will liaise among themselves to confirm on product delivery date & time.
To schedule your delivery in advance or on a specific date, you might need to contact seller personally for certain arrangement.
We do not guarantee specific delivery time slots or morning delivery. All these special requests are solely the responsibility of the Sellers. You are reminded to go through review from other Buyers to ensure that you are dealing with a trustworthy Sellers.
Please note that no compensation will be provided for not having delivered to the stated addresses within the preferred delivery time stipulated.
Amending Order/Delivery Details
Please note that any changes to your order (delivery address, gift messages) must be made at the soonest within 2 hours after an order is placed to ensure that Cakesgram has sufficient time to amend the order prior to the preparation and delivery of the orders.
We will not accept changes made to your order after the second hour subsequent to your order placement. Therefore, we urge you to make sure of all the details of your recipient’s
address and other particulars are correct before confirming an order.
Delivery Challenges
Please remember that it is important that you ensure the recipient’s address and other particulars that you are providing to us are accurate and precise. Please do provide additional information such as land mark or other similar localities that would assist the Sellers in locating the addresses . You are also urged to provide full details of the recipients i.e. Contact number and any other relevant information, to facilitate locating the intended addresses.
Below are some of the reasons that the Sellers may not able to deliver your order: -
(i)Incomplete address that is provided to us.
(ii) the named recipients are no longer residing at the delivery address.
(iii) the named recipients are not available at the address at the time of delivery. Please note that we will attempt one subsequent free of charge delivery only should the original delivery attempt fails.
The Sellers reserve the rights to charge an additional delivery amount if the delivery challenge is caused by issues beyond our control. Cakesgram will not responsible for any additional costs to be incurred by the Buyers due to failed deliveries.
Proof of Delivery
Where possible, the Sellers will attempt to obtain a signature from the intended recipient of the
gift or products. In some circumstances, for example, when delivering to certain business addresses, hospitals, hotels or universities, seller may not be able to deliver the order directly to the intended recipient.
Please note that these circumstances are beyond our control. In this case, seller will deliver to the reception area or post room and (where possible) obtain a signature from the receiving officer of the premise
(or equivalent). This signature will be our proof of delivery.